

Zimbabwe will not thrive as long as corruption, infringement of human rights, poverty, inflation and low wages are still pending and destroying our nation. #31 July we are putting an end to all these problems caused by this SO CALLED DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT(DICTATORSHIP GOVERNMENT )in our nation. We want a better Zimbabwe that is uncorrupt and


The three essential layers for the MDC: business capital, intellectual capital and activism

I have in the past adumbrated several ideas which I think would help the MDC control the political discourse in the country and subsequently put Zanu pf on the back foot.  Yep, I hollered about the importance of an MDC 24 hr TV station and a radio station to boot. But all these aspirations require

The three essential layers for the MDC: business capital, intellectual capital and activism Read More »

Protest Literature

Protest literature for those attending the London demonstration on Friday 16/08/2019 In light of the oncoming London demonstration on the 16th of August against the Zanu regime, we have compiled a number of pictures and political messages which people can carry so as to convey a robust and defiant message to the Mnangagwa government. We need

Protest Literature Read More »