Food Distribution by (Satanic) ZANU PF along Party Lines Leads to MDC Reading twinning with MDC Marondera

Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Reading District (Arguably the most active and hated diaspora community by ZANU PF), from MDC UK and Ireland, has taken the bold step of twinning up with MDC Marondera, which is in Zimbabwe and is part of the MDC led by Advocate and President Nelson Chamisa of MDC Alliance.

Twinning is one of the steps that have been taken by the MDC Reading Leadership with the full backing and support of
1. the members of MDC Reading
2. the District Leadership and
3. the UK and Ireland Provincial Leadership

This bold step is seen as the start of the MDC Diaspora community, trying to provide for those who are being illegally marginalised when food is being distributed in Zimbabwe by the useless, illegal and horrible ZANU PF and its proxies.

It is a widely held view in the Zimbabwean community that, ZANU PF and its proxies (which unfortunately includes some of the chiefs) is clearly in breach of its United Nations Obligations by distributing food along party lines. The Irony is that Mthuli Ncube is likely using his 2% tax on all remittances most of which come from the Diaspora to buy less than 20% of the food being distributed in Zimbabwe. The probability of the rest, nearly 80% being from the donor community is very high. This is another huge kick in the teeth for Diasporans.

Allegations of food being distributed along party lines are all over the internet. Especially on the Twitter feed of Nick Mangwana. It seems he has likely partly admitted ZANU PF’s own failures as he could not fully refute the allegations in his own tweet, but chose to instead, quote what Chief Charumbira said, as quoted by the Manica Post on the 17th of January 2020 at 0001hrs.

The twinning of MDC Reading with MDC Marondera was first officially announced on the 18th of January 2020 on the day MDC Reading successfully held a peaceful planned Demonstration which started at Reading Train Station at 11am. On the same day, MDC Reading led by Charles Mararikwenda also hosted a successful fundraising event held at , the Pakistani Community Centrein Reading.

Attendees included Model Pamire (Provincial Organising Secretary), District Executives, Branch Executives, and members from various parts of the U.K., with the majority being from the South West District.

A message of thanks came directly from Zimbabwe and read,

“Reading Branch

I want to thank you for twinning your Branch with Marondera Central, we are looking forward to working together and bringing development to Marondera

I thank you

Hon Caston Matewu MP
Marondera Central”

A follow up message read,

“Reading Branch

I hope you are well today. I have an urgent request. Due to food shortages and the January effect, many families are suffering. ZANU PF have managed to give their supporters bags of rice and hupfu. Can you please assist us to buy rice and green soap that we can give to our members. This will stp ppl from being trapped by ZANU Pf

Many thanks

C Matewu”

Since the first message, MDC Reading had been trying to put together something for the MDC Marondera members and supporters. The pictures above show just some of the fruits of the work put in by MDC Reading.

As a starting point, in a bid to try and help, MDC Reading has been thanked by the Honourable MP for Marondera, Caston Matewu, who is on the ground in Zimbabwe and has previously had his house shot at by ZANU PF proxies.

MDC Reading’s Treasurer Shylette Chipangura has been actively in charge of making sure the Reading teams finances are in order and has reliably advised that, “the reported latest help that was mentioned by Honourable Matewu did not come from the donations that were gathered on the 18th of January 2020, so there is likely more to come.” She also advised that, “MDC Readings Organising Secretary Deborah Harry has been corralling and motivating the Reading members to get more involved upon seeing the latest fruits of their efforts.”

The latest news on the food distribution is that ZANU PF is being taken to court for illegally distributing food in a partisan manner.

Written by

Thabo Makuyana

Vice Secretary Information and Publicity

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