Marondera Central constituency MDC A (Honourable Caston Matewo)


MDC A Reading Branch twinning with Marondera Central Constituency fundraised to support families in Marondera with bar soaps and rice. Zimbabwe is under military dictatorship and does not allow opposition parties to voice out their concerns. All state instruments such as the police, army and judiciary that are meant to support and protect the citizens in order to bring security and justice has been heavily captured by Zanu pf lead by ED Mnangagwa has resorted to using brutal force to silence opposition members and supporters. Donations meant for all Zimbabweans have been politicised and only being given to Zanu pf members.

To this end, MDC A Reading branch saw it paramount to step up fundraising activities to help Marondera Central MDC A twin branch, in order to stand in the gap since they can not get state donations.

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