For the demonstration on the 16th of August, the people of Zimbabwe not just the MDC should convey a clear message to the Mnangagwa and his military henchmen – ‘we want you to go as soon as yesterday’. Absolutely. Regime change is what we want. Mnangagwa is an illegitimate president, he came to power after a military coup and he stayed in power after stealing the election in 2018. The man is not wanted. He rules by fear not consent. He is not moved by suffering. In mental health they say a person who is bereft of empathy especially when observing other people’s suffering is a psychopath. He is a psychopath, a boring one at that. That scarf that he keeps wearing is a weak attempt at wanting to look human, but he is not human. He is probably a goblin.
He has presided over the fastest decline in standards of living in Zimbabwe in living history. So not only is he a cruel human being, he is also incompetent. There is no rational reason why he should stay in power. Him, his blood thirsty military henchmen and fraudulent war veterans should step down from their positions. Not only that, but they should be sharing showers with the paedophiles and murderers at Chikurubi prison for the rest of their lives. Why? Because Zimbabwe can never move on so long as these wretched man are walking freely in the country. They have killed, they have stolen, and have broken the constitution to further their own interests. We do not want them. They should go as soon as yesterday. To the Zimbabwean people I say be steadfast, be wise, be unrelenting, stay on guard for the enemy is watching you like a hawk.
Those of us in the diaspora will continue demonstrating against Zanu rule. We will continue to campaign for human rights and justice in Zimbabwe. On August 16 I will surely be amongst the many Zimbabweans who will be demonstrating outside the ghastly Zimbabwean Embassy in London.
Deborah Harry is a human rights activist working with ROHR and is also an MDC member in the UK.
By Deborah Harry