Has anyone ever wondered why Zimbabwe seems to sink deeper into the quagmire of economic and social ruin without the slightest hope or sign of stopping or recovering?.Yes, this the moment to get the right answer to that million dollar question.

When it comes to corruption and bad governance,  Emmerson Mnangagwa and his Army generals combine the two with distinctions.If the truth is to be told,  Zanupf and the Army are the country’s top liabilities and it is important and necessary that our nation is told the real source of the cloud that does not bear rain.

A lot of mudslinging is traded during debates aimed at figuring out what went wrong with our country.So many theories and ideas come to mind and many times Sanctions feature or are solely blamed for the economic meltdown that the Nation is currently experiencing. However, Zimbanweans must know that Zimbabwe Zanupf and the Army are responsiblefor all their hardship today. In other words the solution to Zimbabwe’s  Socio-econimic woes is to simply remove  Zanupf from the equation and everything will be alright .

Many would wonder why poverty is so ubiquitous in the Nation yet the country is endowed with such vast resources . The argument against sanctions does not hold water at all because that’s is where and when good leadership is tried and tested.  Just imagine Ian Smith who thrived in the teeth of the worst world embargo in modern history and survived far better than some free countries. Does that mean our present day leaders can’t do better even in the face of sanctions? The answer is a big NO. The reality is Zanupf is using the mantra of sanctions as a scape goat to mask their own corruption which is what is responsible for hemorrhaging our economy.

Zimbabweans must be told beyond any doubt that Zanupf are the authors and responsible for the corruption that has brought our once glorious and vibrant country to its knees. It is not Sanctions but Zanupf corruption that has failed us as Nation.  I will outline just a few points that will  go to confirm the veracity of my argument.

Corruption is apparently part of the Zanupf

DNA. No one in Zanupf can claim to come out clean on this one.  Right from the Days of their lateVeteran leader, Robert Mugabe. It is sad that Zanupf corrupt became evident during the early days of our independence and the  cancer has spread so rampantly to where we are now today. The Sandura commission will come to mind.

Today we hear of the existence and operation of cartels that are bleeding our economy and impoverishing common Zimbabweans (Zimbabweans https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-02-09-zimbabwe-explosive-cartel-report-uncovers-the-anatomy-of-a-captured-state/) Sadly all these cartels are all being operated by big wigs in the military government right from the office of President Munangagwa. It is these cartels and not Sanctions that are causing the appalling hardship and poverty that you find in Zimbabwe today.

The Military could not be left behind the government thieves. Actually the Military had smashed records in their own fashion. Many Zimbanweans may not be privy  to the UN report involving  Zanupf Officials and ZNA generals in plundering both human and Minera resources in the DRC during thr Kabila war.⁶ (https://news.un.org/en/story/2003/10/83852-dr-congo-un-panel-plunder-resources-publishes-final-report)The most disturbing factor of the corruption in Zimbabwe is the mention of the presidents name and the ARMY generals everywhere in these scams. This dates back to the DRC war days right up to the latest cartels not forgetting the

Chiyadzwa killing fields in Marange.

This is the nightmare Zimbabwe is confronted with.  The country is so rich beyond imagination but it finds itself as one of the poorest in the world.It follows that therefore, the wealth of the country is being controlled or in the hands of the minority. Who are these minorities who have caused so much harm and suffering in the Motherland?.Of course it is the ruling class elite which basically comprises Zanupf, the Army Generals and the cartels that Zanupf have created.Is this not the main reason why the Masses had to go to war to fight Ian Smith and the Rhodesia Front?.Many times the people have spoken at the polls but Zanupf has ignored the people’s  voice and plight and decided to  hold the country atransome.It is high time that Zanupf must be reminded that they have overstretched their luck too far and the will be responsible for any consequences that will ensue.



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