It has become a very worrying trend of denial of bail at the magistrate court for my CDES JOANA MAMOMBE AND CECILIA CHIMBIRI. Similar offenses are granted bail but for them it’s always otherwise.Is it a clear target or acts of misogynist for the duo?This selective application of law is very disturbing . Judicial reforms are long overdue .This is a clear case of political persecution.
Emmerson Mnangangwa should stop harassing our future leaders .The fact that his regime will have to harass this to this extent shows ED has been defeated.Joshua Nkomo once said *THOSE WITH NO SUPPORT WILL USE GUNS AND VIOLENCE AGAINST THEIR OPPONENT* It’s clear ED and his regime are heartless.
The high court has been dilly dallying with issueing judgment on their application.The capture of the judiciary renders alternative democratic means useless .The arrest and subsequent denial of bail and prolonged pre trial detention is undoubtedly and increasingly being used as a tool of repression in Zimbabwe.
Cecilia Chimbiri and Joana Mamombe are Human Rights Defenders and are not criminals .They have been in court for  124 times over a period of ten months.Their rights are being violated by the state it’s just torture!!!
Spare a thought for these revolutionaries currently detained in Emmerson’s house of terror.They have suffered state funded valification, detention and torture but remain clear on the path to change our  realities as a generation .Let’s all remember to speak out against all this injustice to young women rising voices.Their fight is our fight we need new leaders!!!!!


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